Community Partners

Your support opens doors and gives hope for immigrants and their families.

A gift to ICM enables us to provide vital affordable immigration resources when needed the most.


We need your help

Your financial support will allow us to provide low cost immigration legal services to those seeking life changing assistance.


Support ICM by giving today…




Mail a check to 540 E. Wheelock Parkway, St.Paul, MN 55130 Make check out to Mosaic indicating on the memo line your support for ICM.


@mosaicstpaul please indicate ICM in the note

Support ICM by sharing about the resources…

Presentation of Services

ICM staff can come to your church or place of business and present information about the services provided.

It is our goal to partner with non-profits, businesses and churches on the east side to share resources with others in the community.

Click Here to inquire about presentation